dinsdag 18 maart 2008

I'm not part of a representative group

Ah, let's just jump right into it, shall we? While I'm on a not-so-exciting journey in search of work, I'm trying to earn a little buck here or there - well, rather a euro here or there, but that is another matter.

An old classmate referred me to Field Quality Control , because he had parttaken in some of their surveys. It's basically a simple concept. Companies want to know how customers will react to a certain product, so they get a selection of relevant test subjects who give their honest opinion about said product. They give you a small fee for your troubles - not much, but hey, it might pay for a t-shirt or DVD.
Anyway, I decide to take a chance and call them up. The phone gets picked up by a sweet girl. One is never sure if these people are actually sweet or just paid to be, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt. She notes down my information, but basically says: "We'll call you if something comes up, but right now you don't belong to any target groups we are looking for."
Of course, this can be coincidence. Perhaps they'll call me next week with three surveys. But somehow I'm dubious. See, here comes the semi-feminist rant.

I suspect it's more that females with two diploma's, no husband, and no children - who aren't even cohabiting, the horror! - are simply not an interesting group, and certainly not one that should be taken into account when testing products. Nope, sir,we want the unschooled types who got knocked up at 20 and have two more kiddies by the age of 27.
Hey, it's not that I don't get it. Capitalism doesn't really care. And it's probable that those three kids make great consumers right from the moment they can form words. "Mommmmie, I want a Barbieeee! *smashes self of floor*"

It's just sad that young, smart, single women (who by all means should have all the potential to have capital as they only have themselves to spend cash on) are not an interesting group for some reason. Hell, apparently, they're not a representative group.

To be honest - I HOPE their excuse is money, because if the good married housewife with kiddies is representative of the ideal, average woman - then let the FSM l stand by us all.

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